Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Still Here

So I know the blog has been neglected the last couple of weeks! Between a big room-mate BDAY, a house warming party, and the encroaching arrival of my mother I have been BUSY(that's just all the stuff on top of the normal work, life and dog activities).
I have not given up on the blog- not at all! I have some great recipes from the house warming party to post. Also since the mom will be in town, that means trips to lots of nice restaurants, which means reviews! So just a quick glimpse, to keep y'all coming back! A sneak peak list of things to come: recipes for Caesar salad bites, ham and cheese challah rolls(NYC grocery stores do not have biscuits), fluffernutters- and restaurant reviews for Stanton Social, Annisa, Barbuto, and Minetta Tavern.
So bare with me, the next couple weeks will get much more exciting around here. Now just for the fun of it- a gratuitous picture of Herman. He generally loves when I am cooking for the blog as some of it inevitably ends up on the floor, and thus in Herman's mouth. He does not however like being put on the menu- as seen below from his sad face when my room-mate put in a strainer. Still so cute though! See y'all back here soon for a more food related post!!

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