Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Parmesan Tuiles!

I have been hoarding stacks of Food and Wine and Cooks magazines with the intention of going through and copying down recipes to try.....well that still has not happened but last night this recipe did catch my eye. I decided to give it a go! Parmesan tuiles are one of those things that look fancy and potentially difficult, FALSE!
These were so easy, and delicious. The best part is the fact that it only took about 25 minutes to make the whole thing! 

Parmesan Tuiles:

6 tbsp grated parmesan cheese+2  teaspoons
1 1/2 tbsp butter, softened
2 tbsp flour
Generous pinch of pepper

Preheat over to 400 and line baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine all ingredient and mix until well incorporated(I found that using my hands to kind of knead it all together worked best!) Once it feels like a loose dough, roll into a even log shape(about 4 inches long) and cut into equal slices. This recipe yields about 12 tuiles.  Be sure not to place to close together on the baking sheet as they do spread as they cook. Bake on the lowest rack for 7 minutes, rotate the baking sheet half way through the cooking time! Once the edges are brown they are ready! Take them out and let them cool completely on the baking sheet!

Once they are done baking you can make something to put on them while they cool! I decided to top mine with some chopped tomato, sautéed corn, goat cheese, and balsamic reduction!
Sorry the picture quality is lacking, I am way over due for a new iphone! Really hoping AT&T releases the iphone 5 this month! Anyway, here were all my ingredients pre-combination! I sautéed the corn with some olive oil and garlic for about 8 minutes to soften it up. I chopped the tomatoes and let them rest on a paper towel to get the excess juice out! Then I just dusted them with salt and pepper! I made a quick balsamic reduction(would have let it reduce longer if I had time!) Of all the things in this recipe the balsamic reduction takes by far the longest, for it to be really good it is best to let the vinegar reduce on very low heat for about 2 hours! 
So once it was all ready I just put a small scoop of goat cheese on the tuiles, added corn and tomato and topped it all off with some slightly reduced balsamic vinegar! It was sweet, salty, crunchy and fresh! Great way to enjoy the last of the summer veggies! You could put any number of things on these tuiles(tuna tartare with avocado and sesame honey vinaigrette comes to mind), or they would be cute if you made them smaller as cheese crackers!
 So here is a close up of the finished product! It was such a quick as easy endeavour, I am so glad I tried it! I always love something that looks much more difficult than it is, got to love the WOW factor! The room-mates agreeed this recipe was a success and I have a feeling we will for sure be serving them at our next dinner party! 

1 comment:

  1. Ellie, you and I are kindred spirits. Love your blog. Keep writing!
